Google confirmed a Panda refresh began on 23rd July but it will take months to fully roll out. Many of you may not have noticed because this rollout is happening incredibly slowly.
Many of you may not have noticed because this rollout is happening incredibly slowly. In fact, Google says the update may take months to roll out completely. That means that although the Panda algorithm is still site-wide, some of your Web pages might not see a change immediately.
Google has confirmed that this refresh affects only 2-3% of search queries, which is lower than the previous refresh of 3-5% in September 2014 and the last true update in May 2014 which affected 7.5% of search queries.
For those who like to dig into all the nuances of Panda, this update is technically a refresh and not an update. This means it is reapplying the identical signals from the previous Panda for this update as well.
While this update seems to be rolling out much slower than we generally see, with the last refresh Pierre Far from Google said that many high quality small and medium sites were ranking higher.
But the slower update will also make it harder to evaluate the usual “winners and losers” like we can normally do.
The rollout means anyone who was penalized by Panda in the last update has a chance to emerge if they made the right changes. So if you were hit by Panda, you sadly won’t notice the full impact immediately but you should see changes in your organic rankings gradually over time.
If you have noticed a drop in organic traffic of your site then we, at EZ Marketing Agency can help you. Please check out our affordable SEO Packages or send us an email at
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